My Name Is Mathew Waters, & I'm a
Website Designer based
in Auckland
I have a strong passion for supporting small businesses. Whether it involves giving advice or setting up websites to help them get started. Over time, working with various clients has allowed me to gain knowledge in a wide range of software applications and tools.

My Website Design Packages
For Service Based Businesses
Small Businesses who offer a service and want to draw in new leads.

eCommerce - Selling Products Online
Small Businesses who want to sell their products online.

What My Clients Say About Me
Mat has been a tremendous help with getting our website up to scratch and regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly. He helped us with eCommerce and Memberships in particular. Chris Latham Excellent service, very easy to get a hold of and diligent work. Much better service and lead generation than the last provider Stephen Jameson Matt is fantastic. Created our website and continue to support our business. Personable and easy to work won't be disappointed. 5/5 Stars from us!! noa vailahi Mathew did an amazing job of helping me with my wordpress site. Very in depth, helped me way more than I expected and put in so much work. Highly recommend him for any website needs! Tyler Goodall I hired Mathew to develop and design my website ( and got above satisfactory results. He executes perfect communication between him and his client to ensure even the smallest details are met, approaches tasks with a very positive attitude, and will meet all deadlines! Rosé
Services I offer
Websites designed and built by us, that are fully customisable by you.
Automation to keep you hands free and ads to bring in new leads.
My Website Design Portfolio
Some of my latest work – eCommerce and service websites from a range of industries.